Materials Needed: A variety of objects like bean bags, books, paper plates and pencils
Preparation Needed: Collect the objects.
Procedure: Have children practice balancing an object on the back of their hand.
Guidance Suggestions: Use an easy object like a bean bag for children that get mad easily.
Materials Needed: Some balls, sunglasses, petroleum jelly, a basket or large tub
Preparation Needed: Smear some petroleum jelly on the lenses of the sunglasses.
Procedure: Have children try to toss the ball in the basket while wearing the sunglasses. They can also try it using one hand or while sitting down.
Guidance Suggestions: Move the basket closer if children are getting frustrated.
Materials Needed: A ball
Preparation Needed: none
Procedure: Have children roll the ball to each other with their feet. Then try to roll the ball with your hands while laying on your stomach.
Guidance Suggestions: This activity works better in pairs. Children should change position often.
Materials Needed: Paper, scissors, pen, bags and plastic eggs
Preparation Needed: Cut the paper into small squares. Write a letter on each piece of paper.
Procedure: Have children put one piece of paper in each egg. Hide the eggs outside. Find the eggs and open them. Have the group do a body movement for each letter. For example, for letter J you could do jumping jacks.
Guidance Suggestions: You may want to write common letters more than once. You do not have to use every letter in the alphabet.
Materials Needed: Music
Preparation Needed: none
Procedure: Ask children to dance to the music. When you stop the music and say “freeze”, everyone should stop moving. Start the music again to resume dancing.
Guidance Suggestions: Try flicking the lights on and off if any of the kids do not hear well.
Materials Needed: Parachute or bath towel
Preparation Needed: Fold the parachute into a triangle shape. Put it on the floor.
Procedure: Have children jump over the parachute river. Some kids will pick the narrow part to jump over, others will try the widest section. Have them count how many jumps they made.
Guidance Suggestions: Jump with the children to encourage them all to participate.
Materials Needed: Paper, markers and tape
Preparation Needed: Write numbers one through ten on the papers, with one number on each paper. Tape them to the floor about two feet apart from each other.
Procedure: Have children jump on each paper in order.
Guidance Suggestions: Move the papers closer or farther depending on the ages of your children.
Materials Needed: A printout of some yoga poses or a yoga app
Preparation Needed: Clear a large space
Procedure: Direct the children to stand at least arms length apart. Then do the poses. Tell children to take deep breaths and relax between poses. (Yoga balls are a lot of fun for one or two children to use).
Guidance Suggestions: You can use a bath towel or masking tape to mark where the children should stand.