Materials Needed: Rubber bands and different sizes of containers
Preparation: Remove the lids from the containers and put a rubber band on each one.
Procedure: Have the children make music with the containers. Point out the different sounds they make.
Questions: Why does plucking the rubber band make noise? Do all the bands make the same noise?
Variations: Put water in the containers to change the sound produced.
Materials Needed: Coffee cans, unsharpened pencils, construction paper, colored pencils and glue
Preparation Needed: Cut construction paper down to the right size to fit around the coffee cans.
Procedure: Color the construction paper and glue it to the side of the coffee cans. Use the pencils as drum sticks.
Follow Up: Go on a rhythm walk. When the drums go slow, walk slow. If they stop, balance.
Materials Needed: Pringles can, newspaper, dry beans, scoop, decorative paper and colorful duct tape
Preparation Needed: Cut paper to the right size.
Procedure: Have children loosely wad up some paper, then put it in the can. Add about ½ cup of beans. Put the lid on. Tape the paper on the can. Tape the lid shut. Turn the can to make noise. Use less paper and more beans if it does not work well.
Follow Up: Have children make big arm movements while holding a rain stick.
Materials Needed: Water bottles with lids, pea gravel and colorful duct tape
Preparation Needed: Collect the materials.
Procedure: Have children fill the bottles 1/3 of the way full with gravel. Screw lids on the bottles. Use tape to decorate the bottle and tape the lid closed.
Follow Up: Play follow the leader using the instruments.
Materials Needed: Paper plates, markers, dried beans, a scoop and stapler
Preparation Needed: Make sure there are at least two plates for each child.
Procedure: Have children decorate the plates. Put some beans in between two plates. Then staple them closed.
Follow Up: Play the new instruments during one of the songs listed above.
Materials Needed: Wooden spoons, sticks or pencils
Preparation Needed: None
Procedure: Have children tap the materials together to make a beat.
Follow Up: Children can sing while tapping a beat.
Use props or toys to set up a dramatic play activity. Play with your child by saying, “Let’s pretend that…”
Props: Seashells, starfish, coral, blanket to make an island, sunglasses, umbrella, stuffed sea animals, a large box to make a boat, fishing game, sand box, telescope, summer hat and sandals
Book: Dolphins! by Sharon Bokoske and Margaret Davidson
Extension: Science – Notice the sun during the day. Use a telescope if available. Learn about the seasons and what makes the weather change.
Variation: Set up a desert to play in.
Props: Tent or blankets to make a tent, sleeping bags, Lincoln logs for a fire, binoculars, flashlights, chairs, fishing game with fishing pole and fish, magnifying glass, toy bugs, prop box filled with: rocks, grass pine cones, leaves, bark, and feathers
Book: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Extension: Science – Use the magnifying glass to look at things in the prop box.
Variation: Do an indoor picnic with a blanket and food on the floor.
Props: Pom poms, megaphone, recorded music, camera, bags, skirts, pants and folder with chants in it
Book: Hippo-NOT-amus by Tony and Jan Payne
Extension: Gross Motor – Do actions to go along with the chants.
Variation: Make a marching band using musical instruments.
Props: Plastic or wooden blocks, Lincoln logs, hard hat, orange vest, toy cars, stop and slow traffic sign
Book: I Want a Hat Like That by Tom Cooke
Extension: Health and Safety – Play Red Light, Green Light
Variation: Be a factory worker. Build machines with tinker toys or blocks.
Props: Toy doctor kit that has a stethoscope, thermometer, immunization, reflex hammer, bandages, bag, white shirt, microscope, stickers, and flash light
Book: Pretend by Jennifer Placas
Extension: Health and Safety – Use the doctor kit with other children or stuffed animals.
Variation: Pretend to have a dentist office.
Props: Winter hats, mittens, coats, boots, paper snow balls, paper to step on for skies, and an atlas or map
Book: Amazing Arctic Animals by Jackie Glassman and The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Extension: Science – Explore outdoors in the winter. Put snow in a water table, add water to watch it melt. Check later to see if it turned into ice.
Variation: Pretend you are at the Arctic, North Pole, or Antarctica.
Props: Baby stroller, multicultural babies, diaper bag with bottles, baby blankets, rattles, car seat, crib, men’s and woman’s, grown up clothes, adult shoes and stuffed dog or cat
Book: Two Homes by Claire Masurel and The Napping House by Audrey Wood
Extension: Social Studies – Practice social skills by solving everyday problems
Variation: Pretend that you have to move to a new house. Use boxes to move your stuff.
Props: Menus, small table, place mats, chairs, toy plates, cups, silverware, bowls, food, toy kitchen set with oven, microwave, stove, refrigerator, empty food containers, money and a cash register
Book: Caterina and the Lemonade Stand by Erin Eitter Kono
Extension: Math – Use the money to buy food and learn about counting.
Variation: Set up a lemonade stand using a table cups, a pitcher.
Props: Backpack with toy doctor kit, first aid supplies, or equipment for a firefighter.
Book: Diego’s Wolf Pup Rescue by Christine Ricci
Extension: Health and Safety – Use first aid supplies to help baby dolls at a hospital
Variation: Rescue animals from around the world.
Props: Toys for sale, shopping carts, play money, shelf’s to put toys on, yard sale stickers for prices, and a cash register
Book: Let’s Share by Jason Blundy and Gregory the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat
Extension: Math – Use money to buy the toys and learn about counting.
Variation: Set up a grocery store to buy food instead of toys.