Materials: None
Procedure: Roll play when to call 911 (example if there is a fire, someone is badly hurt or if someone is not breathing) and what information the 911 operator will ask (your name address and phone number).
Guidance Tips: Help children come up with situations for calling 911.
Variation: Make songs to help kids remember their phone number and addresses.
Materials: A long section of paper from a butcher paper roll, markers, chalk and tape
Procedure: Talk about classroom rules. Have the children draw pictures on the butcher paper about the classroom safety rules. Hang it up to remind children of the rules and show off their work.
Guidance Tips: If you have a large group, have 3 children work on the project at a time.
Variation: Use play ground safety or bus rules with this activity.
Materials: Markers, tape, red and yellow card stock paper
Procedure: Make signs labeling where the exits and emergency supplies are located. Use red paper for exits and yellow for supplies. Tape the signs near the exits and supplies.
Guidance Tips: Ask one child to make each sign. Rotate them so you use them all.
Variation: Make signs for the lock down area and tornado shelter too. You can write the rules for each area on the bottom of the paper.
Materials: Backpack, stuffed animals, books, blankets, bottles of water, tissues, paper, pencils and a first kit
Procedure: Ask children what you need during emergencies. Have the children make an emergency kit. Use an old backpack for the supplies. Ask children to collect some stuffed animals, books, blankets, bottles of water, tissues, paper and pencils. Put them in the backpack. Add a first kit and child enrollment paperwork. Keep the kit in the tornado shelter and one by the front door for emergencies.
Guidance Tips: Have children line up. Then ask each child to find one item for the kit.
Variation: Have children gather supplies they would need to take a long road trip.
Materials: Masking tape, blocks, toy cars and toy people
Procedure: Use the masking tape to make a large square on the floor, it will represent a city block. Put the people and cars on the tape road. Use blocks to make stores and houses. Practice driving and walking safely to the buildings near the road.
Guidance Tips: Use several “city blocks” if it becomes too crowded so the children will not bump into each other.
Variation: Have the children make road signs using small pieces of paper. Add them to the city block.
Materials: Laminated road signs
Procedure: Go on a walk around the room. Hold up signs like yield, stop, rail road crossing, traffic light or curve ahead.
Guidance Tips: Preschoolers have a short attention span. Stop the activity before children get bored with it.
Variation: Do the actions and walk to the song Going on a Bear Hunt.
Materials: Look up some warning sounds. (For example: fire alarm, carbon monoxide alarm, car horn, firetruck siren, police siren, ambulance, beeping of garbage truck backing up and tornado siren)
Procedure: Roll play what children should do when they hear these sounds.
Guidance Tips: Remind children to walk, not run, during emergencies.
Variation: Let the children make the warning sounds. Then act out what to do.